User manual

1) Scan

Tapping the camera button on the display bottom will, after you grant the app access to the camera, start the scanning process.
Find a Sudoku in your favorite newspaper, magazine or on a piece of paper. Point the camera towards it and observe how the app tries to capture the grid.
Once the Sudoku is highlighted in green it is recognized and can be captured either by tapping the snapshot button or the grid itself.

2) Solve

Enter digits and notes directly in the captured image from above.

Granting access

When you tap the scan button for the first time you are asked to grant access to the camera for Sudoku Scanner. If you decline access, you must later open the Settings app, navigate to its Sudoku Scanner entry and enable access to the camera there.


Direct the camera towards a puzzle to see what the scanner is able to identify. The live preview shows you exactly what Sudoku Scanner sees, helping you to capture exactly what you expect.
As the scanning progresses it will highlight the grid in different colors:
  • Red - incorrect size (ie.not 9x9)
  • Orange - insufficient (or incorrect) digits identified. Scanning orange will require you to manually audit the digits.
  • Green - ready for use
  • Gray - you already have this Sudoku
Once you are satisfied tap the snapshot button or the Sudoku to finalize.
The flash is disabled by default. In dark lighting the flash can help avoid hard shadows.

Getting the image right for the scanner can sometimes be challenging. There are some things you can keep in mind to improve the results:

  1. Don't scribble or draw on Sudokus before scanning.
  2. Straighten the paper as much as possible.
  3. Ensure sound lighting conditions. Daylight is ideal.
  4. Avoid sharp shadows and lens flare.
  5. Try minimizing tilt.
  6. If the puzzle covers multiple pages minimize the bends.
  7. So long as it does not cause blur, get closer to the target.
  8. Keep the camera as stable as possible when looking at the puzzle.


You can choose from screenshots or regular photos you've got and use them as input to the scanner.
If you want to scan Sudokus from your other digital subscriptions such as newspapers or magazines, you must first grab a screenshot on the relevant pages from these.

The screenshots will then appear in your gallery, and can be scanned just like any other picture or photo.

Interacting with the list

List items

The title that was given while finalizing a scan.
A scaled down version of the captured image.
Time spent, so far, on the puzzle.
Number of mistakes made.
Percentage of the open digits that you have filled in.

Removes all entered content - digits and notes alike.
Swaps between the keypad marking digits or adding notes to the highlighted cell.
Given the rules of Sudoku - no duplicate digits within row, column or section, there are frequently cells whose value can only be one thing. If present, hints will guide you to one.
The app will by default crop the image you scanned to the Sudoku area. You can choose to solve in the full image.

Can I scan Sudokus from digital subscriptions?
Yes. This is a two-step process; first open your subscription and capture a screenshot to your Photo Gallery.
  • Learn how to grab screenshots on iPhone.
  • Learn how to grab screenshots on iPad.
The second step of the process is selecting the screenshot from your Photo Gallery when scanning in the app.
Is there a way to disable the ads?
Yes, it is possible to purchase a Pro version by tapping the shopping cart top-right.
The Pro version does not have any ads.
I declined giving the app access to the camera and can't scan. What do I do?
Sudoku Scanner must have access to the camera to perform scanning. You can manually enable access in the device Settings app under the sudoku Scanner section.

Anything unclear or not working as expected?

Please contact us.
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